Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wicked Awesome Music

First and foremost I feel the need to express my gratitude to Youtube for the wicked-awesome-amazing-so talented musicians whose music you've brought into my life.  Seriously, thank you.  I've discovered more truly gifted artists on this social media site than I've heard on the radio for the last few years.  I say this while jamming to some William Joseph piano work.  Ah....  that's the stuff! 

For those of you unfortunate souls that have yet to find some of these people here's a short list but mind the asterisk.  ***This list is a very short list that's incomplete.  Think it more of as a "I suggest you check these musicians out if you haven't already."

William Joseph (pianist)
Lindsey Stirling (violinist)
Boyce Avenue (band)
Clementine's Knight (band)
Chester See (musician/actor)
Beats Antique (band/belly dance)
Josh Golden (musician/actor)
Andy Lange (musician/actor)

...and many many more...  seriously, stop reading and go look for artists on Youtube!

Just a random thought for today...  Now back to homework while listening to William Joseph's phenomenal cover of "Radioactive" - Dubstep Piano.  Mad coolness!!!  

Monday, October 14, 2013

Ready for Rejection?

Online dating - it sucks, but if you're going to try it here's some advice from an unfortunate person with experience.  (Fingers crossed my luck changes though!)

I decided to try online dating about five years ago and ended up deleting my profile while muttering bitterly to myself and cursing my seemingly eternal loneliness.  This year, after realizing my dating life was stuck in a proverbial ditch and I had literally nothing to lose, I hesitantly decided to give online dating another whirl.  I'm not sure how it happened, but instead of traveling down Possible Relationship(s) Lane, I managed to overturn my car into a ditch along side of the road and have been stuck there ever since.  I'm a very independent person.  I'm "set in my ways" as my mother would say, to put a negative spin on that.  Twenty-something and going on forty.  I'm also pretty reserved around people I don't know (I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm shy, but I can see people perceiving me as such).  To be honest, I can understand why I wouldn't necessarily make a huge bleep on somebody's radar.  I'm not eye candy and I don't like to draw people's attention.  This is not at all helpful when trying to attract a mate according to the Nature Channel.  There is also the issue of my morals and values.  They aren't an issue for me, but in today's world, let's just say that I come off as far more traditional.  So, after giving all of this some thought, I realized that the kind of men I wanted to date just don't exist in my vicinity or are blending in too well to be seen.  Enter the online dating idea.                

So, here is my advice, it's very simple and very true unless you're one of those amazing catches that no one in their right mind would reject.  Seriously, get off the site, you're ruining the curve for the rest of us mere mortals.  Okay, here's the advice.  Dramatic drum roll please...  Be ready for rejection.  

What I mean by this is you're going to be rejected at some point and more than likely you're going to be dolling out rejection like it's mini Snickers bars on Halloween.  Don't panic, don't worry, don't cry.  It happens to everyone.  I'll even admit that I had to learn this the hard way.  When I found a guy who I thought was the perfect man, I just about knocked my computer off the desk as I jumped for joy.  He had all the qualities that I've been searching for in a future spouse, and after nervously debating whether or not to message him, I finally did and then lived on a near nervous breakdown for two days straight.  He eventually messaged me back with a polite "No thanks."  Heart pounding, world crumbles, I cry in the shower.  But that wasn't the end of it.  Nope.  I spent the next week stressing over what in the hell I wrote in my profile that turned this guy off.  I ended up having a mild identity crisis over someone that I've never even met!   

Was it my picture?  I must not be pretty enough.  No!  It had to have been my  personality description.  I sound like such a hermit!  No one likes a hermit!  Maybe I didn't sound smart enough.  Should I have mentioned that I intend to go back to school someday to earn my MA and PHD?  What's wrong with me?!? 

I had one of the worst weeks of my life and that guy I messaged probably was just sitting at home in his boxers, watching the game, eating Doritos, and for whatever reason didn't want to talk to me.  Seriously, get a grip!  So again, I'll say it - be ready for rejection.  Don't let your life take a turn into an emotional depression over some doofus online that doesn't want to message you back or says "Eh, no thanks."  So the f*ck what!  Give yourself a break and realize that online dating is a lot like window shopping.  That particular pair of shoes that you thought would have gone perfectly with every outfit you own, in reality, may have looked absolutely ridiculous on in real life.  Get over them and move on.  There are plenty more shoes to look at and someday you will find that perfect pair.  And if not, that's okay too.