Wednesday, April 23, 2014

100% Pure Cosmetics

I struggle with acne.  I haven't always, in fact when I was a teenager I had perfectly clear skin.  *Cue the hallelujah music.*  And then I hit my mid-twenties and I started breaking out.  I am now officially someone who struggles with acne 24/7.  It's horrible!  I've tried countless products, am currently on three topical medications (I refuse to ingest any antibiotics or other forms of internal acne treatments - have you read the side effect?!?), and have tried just about every skin cleansing routine on the planet.  Nothing is working. 

So I decided today that I'm going all natural.  No more chemicals, no more unnatural makeup to cover up my acne.  I'm done.  The topical creams and foams are not working.  The makeup I'm using, specifically the concealers and foundations, are breaking me out worse.  My skin is pissed.  I'm pissed.  No more.  Luckily for me, there is a company out there that I found that's all natural.  They have natural makeup, cleansers, etc.  All of their products are made with essential oils, natural plant based ingredients and the pigments are made using fruit.  The company is called 100% Pure Cosmetics.  I just dropped over $100 on their products and will be trying a new regimen using only their products.

Now, the only issue is that I couldn't afford to purchase all of the makeup products I would normally use on a day to day basis, for example, the eye shadows.  So I will be using my normal store brand eyeshadow.  As soon as I receive the products I will be blogging about my experiences - and including pictures so that I can document if there is any improvement in my acne. 

Wish me luck!