Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Time for a change... Chop it off!

Yep, it's time for a change.  I hate having the same hair for longer than 6 months.  I'm one of those change it up at least once a year kind of girls.  Whether it's a new hair color (I've even gone purple) or chopping it all off into a pixie, I need to change my hair.  I don't do tattoos or piercings so my hair is a major point of personal creativity for me. 

My hair is a strawberry blondish color and I'm thinking about going to a chocolate brown.  Lengthwise it grazes the top quarter of my shoulder blades when I wear it down my back.  I've been trying to grow it out to about mid-back length but my usual hairstyle boredom has kicked in.  For some reason, I've been missing my pixie cut for quite some time.  I'm toying with the idea of returning to that look this spring.  Jennifer Lawrence's amazing new pixie of course only made that urge to chop all my hair off stronger.  She looks great by the way!

However, because that is a rather drastic change I'm going to go to a long shattered bob first.  The picture below is the look I've chosen.  It should be fun!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

No Gym, No Problem!

I can't stand gyms.  Seriously.  The longest stint I had working out in one was back in 2009 after I blew out my ACL playing flag football during the year I was in grad school.  Part of my physical therapy regimen required me to peddle on a stationary bike for at least an hour a day to build up strength in my leg before I could have reconstructive surgery.  So, I joined a local gym.  I used their bikes and that's about it.

I don't know what it is about gyms, but they just make me feel uncomfortable and, more importantly, bored out of my mind!  I've never been terribly out of shape.  I stay active, usually by playing sports, walking my dog or taking dance classes.  In fact, about two and a half years ago I started taking belly dance lessons and loved every minute of it!  I took the beginner class twice, then moved into the intermediates and then made it all the way up to the troupe.  My teacher, Yasmina, was absolutely amazing and one of the most graceful dancers I had ever seen - and I had seen quite a few belly dancers in my time.  I grew up in the Bay Area so belly dancing wasn't something unfamiliar to me.  Nearly every festival or event included belly dancers - my favorite being the Renaissance Fair.  I was used to watching American Tribal style and later was introduced to Raqs Sharqi, a more traditional Egyptian form of the dance, when my aunt started performing.  Yes, I'm actually related to a retired professional belly dancer.  How cool is that?

So up until this fall, I've been belly dancing every Wednesday night and performing every now and then for local festivals.  Unfortunately, this semester's class schedule conflicts with the belly dance schedule and I found myself at home, depressed and gaining weight.  Starting in October I knew I needed to figure out a way to get active again.  I looked at the University's gym (cringe) and thought about paying for a membership, if only to take the yoga class at the butt crack of dawn on Monday mornings.  Needless to say, that never worked out.  I checked out local yoga shacks around town and they were all horrendously overpriced.  Seriously, who can pay a $200 membership fee?  Crazy tofu eating hippies...  And then I realized, there was another form of dance that I had been interested in for a number of years, but never had the guts to try out any of the classes.  This particular dance, while beautiful, has a stigma attached to it...  Pole dancing.

Yes, pole dancing.  :-)  Now, before you start judging, just realize that there is a difference between pole dancing as an aerial art form and stripper pole dancing.  I have no interest in the latter, but I am a huge fan of aerial silks, hoops and the pole.  If you have access to Youtube, I suggest watching some of the performances of Felix Cane, Jenyne Butterfly and Natasha Wang.  They're awesome!  This now brings us to last week when I signed up to take classes and learn how to pole dance.  I will be sharing my experiences here on this blog since I'm sure there's someone out there that's curious and maybe even leaning toward trying this someday.  Let me just say that as far as exercise goes, this stuff is incredible and let's not forget about the fact that you're having fun while working off that dozen donuts you ate for breakfast.  :-)         

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wicked Awesome Music

First and foremost I feel the need to express my gratitude to Youtube for the wicked-awesome-amazing-so talented musicians whose music you've brought into my life.  Seriously, thank you.  I've discovered more truly gifted artists on this social media site than I've heard on the radio for the last few years.  I say this while jamming to some William Joseph piano work.  Ah....  that's the stuff! 

For those of you unfortunate souls that have yet to find some of these people here's a short list but mind the asterisk.  ***This list is a very short list that's incomplete.  Think it more of as a "I suggest you check these musicians out if you haven't already."

William Joseph (pianist)
Lindsey Stirling (violinist)
Boyce Avenue (band)
Clementine's Knight (band)
Chester See (musician/actor)
Beats Antique (band/belly dance)
Josh Golden (musician/actor)
Andy Lange (musician/actor)

...and many many more...  seriously, stop reading and go look for artists on Youtube!

Just a random thought for today...  Now back to homework while listening to William Joseph's phenomenal cover of "Radioactive" - Dubstep Piano.  Mad coolness!!!  

Monday, October 14, 2013

Ready for Rejection?

Online dating - it sucks, but if you're going to try it here's some advice from an unfortunate person with experience.  (Fingers crossed my luck changes though!)

I decided to try online dating about five years ago and ended up deleting my profile while muttering bitterly to myself and cursing my seemingly eternal loneliness.  This year, after realizing my dating life was stuck in a proverbial ditch and I had literally nothing to lose, I hesitantly decided to give online dating another whirl.  I'm not sure how it happened, but instead of traveling down Possible Relationship(s) Lane, I managed to overturn my car into a ditch along side of the road and have been stuck there ever since.  I'm a very independent person.  I'm "set in my ways" as my mother would say, to put a negative spin on that.  Twenty-something and going on forty.  I'm also pretty reserved around people I don't know (I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm shy, but I can see people perceiving me as such).  To be honest, I can understand why I wouldn't necessarily make a huge bleep on somebody's radar.  I'm not eye candy and I don't like to draw people's attention.  This is not at all helpful when trying to attract a mate according to the Nature Channel.  There is also the issue of my morals and values.  They aren't an issue for me, but in today's world, let's just say that I come off as far more traditional.  So, after giving all of this some thought, I realized that the kind of men I wanted to date just don't exist in my vicinity or are blending in too well to be seen.  Enter the online dating idea.                

So, here is my advice, it's very simple and very true unless you're one of those amazing catches that no one in their right mind would reject.  Seriously, get off the site, you're ruining the curve for the rest of us mere mortals.  Okay, here's the advice.  Dramatic drum roll please...  Be ready for rejection.  

What I mean by this is you're going to be rejected at some point and more than likely you're going to be dolling out rejection like it's mini Snickers bars on Halloween.  Don't panic, don't worry, don't cry.  It happens to everyone.  I'll even admit that I had to learn this the hard way.  When I found a guy who I thought was the perfect man, I just about knocked my computer off the desk as I jumped for joy.  He had all the qualities that I've been searching for in a future spouse, and after nervously debating whether or not to message him, I finally did and then lived on a near nervous breakdown for two days straight.  He eventually messaged me back with a polite "No thanks."  Heart pounding, world crumbles, I cry in the shower.  But that wasn't the end of it.  Nope.  I spent the next week stressing over what in the hell I wrote in my profile that turned this guy off.  I ended up having a mild identity crisis over someone that I've never even met!   

Was it my picture?  I must not be pretty enough.  No!  It had to have been my  personality description.  I sound like such a hermit!  No one likes a hermit!  Maybe I didn't sound smart enough.  Should I have mentioned that I intend to go back to school someday to earn my MA and PHD?  What's wrong with me?!? 

I had one of the worst weeks of my life and that guy I messaged probably was just sitting at home in his boxers, watching the game, eating Doritos, and for whatever reason didn't want to talk to me.  Seriously, get a grip!  So again, I'll say it - be ready for rejection.  Don't let your life take a turn into an emotional depression over some doofus online that doesn't want to message you back or says "Eh, no thanks."  So the f*ck what!  Give yourself a break and realize that online dating is a lot like window shopping.  That particular pair of shoes that you thought would have gone perfectly with every outfit you own, in reality, may have looked absolutely ridiculous on in real life.  Get over them and move on.  There are plenty more shoes to look at and someday you will find that perfect pair.  And if not, that's okay too.        

Monday, August 19, 2013

Puppies = A Girl's Kryptonite

On occasion, I will sub in at the pet store that I worked for about a year and a half ago.  I love the people that own the store - they've become extended family as far as I'm concerned.  I also met some really wonderful customers (mostly the regulars, but some newbies as well) and, of course, their four legged furry family members.  This month I've subbed in frequently (and fortunately for me - I'm so broke).  Little did I know that it's puppy season!  Warm and wiggly little fur balls galore!  I've cradled baby frenchies with their bat-like ears and funny noises.  I've squeezed and nuzzled blue nosed pitties with their amazing mouse-like tails.  I've even smothered a few mutts that must've been half adorable, other half I'm-gonna-eat-you-up.

I also discovered that puppies are chick magnets.  This Sunday while at the store, I found myself mopping and restocking the aisles after a big rush of customers when a young man walked in with the above mentioned blue nosed pitbull puppy.  I immediately went from cashier and customer service rep - professional and polite, to a big melted puddle of affectionate ooze that spilled all over this little dog.  Yes, I normally would have been embarrassed over my reaction and would have sought out the nearest dark hole to crawl into, but for some strange reason I seemed to lack any control over my own actions from that point forward.  I felt no regret in my unusual display of "girliness".  Once I reluctantly handed the puppy back to her owner and waited on another customer I managed to regain some of my dignity.  But it's what happened next that brought up this subject for a blog.  Two women entered the store together, followed by a third and were immediately drawn toward the puppy like bees to honey.  I watched as the three women reacted just as I had a few minutes earlier.  This time instead of being mesmerized by the puppy, I watched the dog's owner.  The young man was really enjoying all the attention his little dog was getting for sure, but it was also obvious to me once I'd taken a step back that he was also flirting with each of the girls googling over his puppy.  Now, don't get me wrong, there's no doubt in my mind that this man loved his dog, he paid near a small fortune for her with the huge doggy haul he bought.  But he was also very much aware of the fact that his puppy could do what most guys find a daunting task - walk straight up to a girl (or a group of them in this guy's case), and be a shamelessly flirt with little risk of rejection.  Puppies are a girl's kryptonite.

That's right ladies, we have a major weakness and some intuitive guys have figured it out.  Maybe that's why dogs are known as man's best friend.  I don't think this very powerful form of kryptonite applies to cat people, but let's face it, cat people are just weird - or at least wired differently (I'm sure we dog people seem weird to you too).  :-)  So beware, it's puppy season and some relatively cute guys are walking around with precious little fluffy heart breakers cuddled against their chests.       

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Best Nanny Ever

Have any of you ever seen Disney's Peter Pan?  If not, you really should, and I'll tell you why.  In that movie there's a character, a dog, a St. Bernard to be exact named Nana.  She is the Darling children's nanny and I have a dog just like her.  My girl is named Remi, and like Nana, she's constantly looking out for myself and my family.  If I stay up too late Remi uses her cold nose to continually bump my elbow until I go to bed.  I mean, who shouldn't be in bed by 10:00pm right?  If my family and I are getting just a little too rowdy, who do you think comes in the room to break it up?  My girl Remi.  Actually she will very lightly mouth your arms and leave you just a little bit slimy until you acknowledge her presence, give her a kiss or hug and then promise to stop beating up your youngest brother.  She's very protective of the baby you know.  :-)

Growing up my family had another dog that was similar to both Disney's Nana and my Remi.  Her name was Molly.  Molly, like Remi, was a rescue.  She was a Springer Spaniel and such a love bug.  My mom would actually leave her in the front yard with us while we played or rode our bikes around the cul-de-sac.  Molly would swim with us, play tetherball with us (yes, you read that right), and even let us sleep on her if we needed a place to crash.

So I guess I've just come to the conclusion that dogs, well my dogs at least, have made the best nannies.  Whether it's a cartoon St. Bernard or a rescued Rottweiler-Springer Spaniel cross (my Remi), they're just the best furry little four legged nannies anyone could ask for.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lip Liner Madness and YSL Rouge Pur Couture #9 Review

I rarely, if ever, wear lip liner.  I'm more of a slap on some lip balm or gloss type of girl.  When I do wear lipstick, it goes on straight from the tube, no liner needed.  But I have as of late been interested in trying out a bright red lip.  So, I looked up about half a thousand tutorials on Youtube before purchasing my very first bright red lip glossy stain from YSL.  I figured if I'm going to do this, I may as well go big and apparently very expensive.  I settled on the Rouge Pur Couture #9.  This color is fire engine red and oh so bright!

Quick product review:  This glossy stain takes about 2 - 3 coats to look it's best.  Put on the first coat of stain and let it sit for about a minute before applying the second and third coat (if necessary).  It smells wonderful and the color is terrific.  Let me put it this way, your mouth is noticeable from about 20 feet away so this would definitely be a product I'd recommend for stage performers.  Actually that's the main reason that I chose this particular color.  I'm a belly dancer (a novice performer), and needed a bright lip color to go with my bright costumes.  The staying power of the glossy stain is very good.  The shine will fade after a few hours but the stain lasts pretty much all day.

So, back to my lip liner woes.  I would highly suggest a lip liner with YSL #9.  You'll need the liner to put and then keep the product where you want it.  Unfortunately I have such little practice in this area that my lips end up looking something like Lindsay Lohan post lip job...  not so classy.  My natural pout looks more like Lindsay Lohan pre-all her plastic surgery.  

Needless to say, I will be practicing to bring my lip lining skills up to speed.  In the mean time I will keep looking longingly at my YSL #9, impatiently waiting for the day when I can line my lips correctly and then rock this glossy red lip stain on stage. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Retail Goddess Returns!

So, after let's see, a good 2 years in retail I ended up at a mining company and have now landed back in school.  :-)  Yeah, life has a weird sense of direction.  I have some great stories from my experiences - which surprisingly turned out to be pretty positive overall.  I met loads of amazing people, learned more than any person really needs to know about customer service and had a very insightful inside look into the staffing industry.  Along the way, I also picked up some pretty cool product knowledge as well so be expecting some reviews.  I'm back and I'm ready to roll.  Questions?  Well I've got answers, so let's get this party started!

Here we go!

I'm baaaaaacccckkkk!!!!!