Have any of you ever seen Disney's Peter Pan? If not, you really should, and I'll tell you why. In that movie there's a character, a dog, a St. Bernard to be exact named Nana. She is the Darling children's nanny and I have a dog just like her. My girl is named Remi, and like Nana, she's constantly looking out for myself and my family. If I stay up too late Remi uses her cold nose to continually bump my elbow until I go to bed. I mean, who shouldn't be in bed by 10:00pm right? If my family and I are getting just a little too rowdy, who do you think comes in the room to break it up? My girl Remi. Actually she will very lightly mouth your arms and leave you just a little bit slimy until you acknowledge her presence, give her a kiss or hug and then promise to stop beating up your youngest brother. She's very protective of the baby you know. :-)
Growing up my family had another dog that was similar to both Disney's Nana and my Remi. Her name was Molly. Molly, like Remi, was a rescue. She was a Springer Spaniel and such a love bug. My mom would actually leave her in the front yard with us while we played or rode our bikes around the cul-de-sac. Molly would swim with us, play tetherball with us (yes, you read that right), and even let us sleep on her if we needed a place to crash.
So I guess I've just come to the conclusion that dogs, well my dogs at least, have made the best nannies. Whether it's a cartoon St. Bernard or a rescued Rottweiler-Springer Spaniel cross (my Remi), they're just the best furry little four legged nannies anyone could ask for.
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